State: 2020-11-12

Tutorial for beginners (GNU/Linux)

In this guide we show you how to use DinoDino for GNU/Linux to chat with your friends.

Screenshots are in german language, please follow the description!

Point 1: Install Dino for free

We install Dino via our software installation centre. This can be called different from Linux to Linux.

Alternatively we open our terminal and install Dino via our package manager of the used Linux distribution.

Example for Ubuntu: apt-get install dino-im

OSPackage name
Arch Linuxdino
Debian ≥ 10dino-im
Fedora ≥ 28dino
Guix ≥ 0.14.0dino
NixOS ≥ 18.03dino
Ubuntu ≥ 18.04dino-im
Alpine Linux Edgedino
Void Linuxdino

Point 2: Create account

Now we open the the registration page and fill in the fields.

Info: An in-band registration in Dino unfortunately does not work directly, because Dino cannot display captchas.

  1. Your username
  2. Your secure password
  3. Repeat your password
  4. Enter the 6-digit numerical code from the picture below
  5. Press REGISTER

Please remember the password!

Point 3: Add account

We add the account in Dino.

  1. Open Dino and click on manage accounts
  2. Now we click on + at the bottom left
  3. Enter your JID* from point 2 here
  4. Enter your password now
  5. Press finish

* The JID, or Jabber-ID, consists of your nickname and the domain exp.

Point 4: Join group chat (optional)

You can now click on this link and open with Dino to add the “Funny Stuff” chatroom:

Alternatively you can follow the pictures.

  1. Press + in the top left corner and select join channel
  2. Press + at the bottom left
  3. Fill in the fields:
    1. JID:
    2. Nickname: your username
    3. Press Add
  4. Click on Next
  5. Click on join now

Point 5: Add contact

We are now adding a friend to our contact list.

  1. On the + top left we click on Start Chat
  2. Now click on the + bottom left
  3. We fill out the fields:
    1. JID* of our friend
    2. Press Add
  4. We select the friend and press start

* The JID, or Jabber-ID, consists of your nickname and the domain exp.

Point 6: Encrypted writing

Encryption must be activated for every chat!

  1. Click on the lock at the bottom right
  2. Select OMEMO
  3. You are now writing in code, which can be recognised by the closed lock behind your message